App name, logo, and advertising restrictions

App name and company name guidelines

Your app is required to comply with our trademark and branding guidelines, as described in the Intuit Developer Terms. This means, among other things:

“Connect to QuickBooks” button

Implement your own on-click method with one of the buttons below to invoke the location in your app that initiates the OAuth 2.0 workflow. Define classes for both base and hover states.

The user clicks the “Connect to QuickBooks” button you provide in your app to initiate the authorization workflow for a QuickBooks company.

This button corresponds to these scopes:

During the authorization workflow, the user selects a company and then authorizes your app to access the data. After the user authorizes the connection, the browser is redirected back to your app. Learn more about authorization.

“Connect to QuickBooks” button graphics

Download the Connect to QuickBooks button images.

This .zip file includes “Connect to QuickBooks” graphics in png and svg format, both base and hover states. These buttons are available in English and French.

“Connect to QuickBooks” button usage guidelines



Aspect ratio

“Connect to QuickBooks” buttons (English)

“Connect to QuickBooks” buttons (French)
“Sign in with Intuit” button

Implement your own on-click method with one of the buttons below to invoke the location in your app that initiates the OpenID Connect authentication workflow. Define classes for both base and hover states.

If you’re implementing modified single sign-on, adding this button, and associated implementation, is optional.

The user clicks the “Sign in with Intuit” button you provide in your app to initiate the Intuit Single Sign-on authentication workflow.

This button corresponds to these scopes:

During the authentication workflow, the user is prompted to log in with their Intuit user ID (email) and password. After user authentication is complete, the browser is redirected back to your app. Learn more about Intuit Single Sign-on.

“Sign in with Intuit” button graphics

Download Sign in with Intuit button images.

This .zip file includes “Sign in with Intuit” graphics in png and svg format, both base and hover states.

“Sign in with Intuit” button usage guidelines



Aspect ratio

“Sign in with Intuit” buttons (English)
QuickBooks logos

All the approved Intuit branding and marketing assets that you may use in your product or when marketing your app can be obtained from the QuickBooks Logo page

If your application is spaced constrained and you must use an icon, Download approved QuickBooks Logo Icon.

QuickBooks logo usage guidance

Clear space and minimum size

The minimum size protects the clear legibility of our logotype. The QuickBooks symbol in any logo variation can never be displayed under 16 pixels for digital (at 72dpi)

What not to do

Don’t alter the QuickBooks logo in any way.

Below are some examples of what not to do with the QuickBooks logo in order to protect its integrity.

../../../../_images/Logos-incorrect-ex-1.png ../../../../_images/Logos-incorrect-ex-2.png
Advertising restrictions

If you make references to QuickBooks or any other Intuit products or brand names in the advertising or promotion of your app (which includes advertising displays, marketing copy, web or print-based materials, and search engine marketing and ads) you must comply with the following advertising restrictions, consistent with our Intuit Developer Terms. We will remove ads that do not comply.

Pay-per-click and Search Engine Advertising

All sponsored ad titles must lead with your own marks or names, or with industry descriptors, and cannot lead with Intuit brands. For example, all sponsored ad titles must be structured as “XYZ for QuickBooks” instead of “QuickBooks XYZ.”

Display URLs in search engine and other advertising cannot use or incorporate an Intuit Mark in or into the front portions of the URL, or into the root domain itself.

You may not bid on Intuit Marks (like “QuickBooks” and others described in the Developer Terms) as standalone keywords in search engines. You can only bid on keywords that include Intuit Marks as part of a larger phrase or search string to directly advertise apps that interoperate with Intuit products. For example, you may bid on keyword phrases that contain both QuickBooks and at least one additional word, like “CRM,” “Sales Tax,” “Point of Sale,” “Inventory” and the like.

You are required to negative match for the specific search engine keywords below:

Additional requirements:

Screenshot restrictions

You may use a limited number of screenshots from the Intuit software for illustrative purposes (e.g., educational guides, how-to books, training, product reviews, etc.), provided you comply with the following guidelines: