Minor versions of our API

The QuickBooks Online Accounting API supports past versions of our API.

We also maintain “minor versions” of our APIs to make incremental changes.

You can use minor version queries when to access a specific version of an API entity that’s stable with your app. Using minor versions is optional. Whenever we update the API schema, you can update your code to match the latest version, or keep your existing code with a minor version.

How minor versions work

You can use the minor version of any API entity. We recommend working with only one minor version at a time, not multiple versions, to avoid schema conflicts.

You can access minor versions on a per resource basis. You don’t need to use minor versions for all resources unless you want to.

How to use minor versions with SDKs

The SDK version automatically gives you the latest features of our APIs and all prior versions.

When we update our SDKs, you can update your code to take advantage of new features and version support. Apps using older versions of SDKs will continue to run.

If you’re using an SDK, you need to set the minor version parameter as a part of the serviceContext object. You can set this in your config file so your app appends the correct minor version to request base URLs.

For the .Net SDK

ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(appToken, realmId, intuitServiceType, reqvalidator);

context.IppConfiguration.MinorVersion.Qbo = "28";

For the Java SDK

context = new Context(oauth, appToken, ServiceType.QBO, realmID);


Important: We update our SDKs to support the latest API version by default. Unless you’re referencing a specific minor version, you’ll use the latest version associated with the SDK.
How to use minor versions without an SDK

If you want to use a minor version of an API, use the minor version query parameter: https://quickbooks.api.intuit.com/v3/company/<realmId>/<apiEntity>/entityId?minorversion=<#>

Replace the following in the parameter:

Here’s an example minor version query for minor version 1 of the journalEntry entity:



Note: XML Schema Definition (XSD) download is available when generating your own deserialized classes. See the table below.

See all minor versions
73 Jun 24, 2024  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 71, plus the addition of the following:

  • API support for project estimate.


71 Mar 21, 2024  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 70, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for TimeActivity TimeChargeId field.


70 Dec 12, 2023  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 69, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for US locales to override sales tax without company level restrictions.
69 Jan 12, 2023  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 68, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added query support for projectRef filter.


68 Oct 26, 2022  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 67, plus the addition of the following:

  • MTD - Added support for COA Detail types for beta launch - Contra types - ACTCORE-895 with minor version 68


67 Sep 14, 2022  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 65, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added a new detail account type for other debtors - EMACCNT-385
  • QBO-236148 - Fix provided for NPE thrown for paymentMethodRef


65 May 11, 2022  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 63, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added two new attributes RevenueRecognitionEnabled and RecognitionFrequencyType under ProductAndServicePrefs for revenue recognition feature.
  • Support for parsing special characters, emojis on V3 query requests.


63 Oct 20, 2021  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 62, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for Cost Rate for Time Activity, Employee, and Vendor using mv=63


62 Jul 14, 2021  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 61, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for OriginalTaxRateId in TaxRate which determines if the tax rate is from original tax rate.
  • Added support to include seconds precision for Start Time and End Time in Time Activity API.


61 Not Applicable   No schema changes
60 Not Applicable   No schema changes
59 Mar 11, 2021  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 57, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for source on list entities


58 Not Applicable   No schema changes
57 Oct 7, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 56, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for TaxSlipType on Vendor entity.


56 Sep 23, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 55, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for TaxSlipType on Vendor entity.


55 Sep 9, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 54, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for adding ReimburseCharge entity as a linked transaction on other transactions using create.
  • Added support for read/query on new ReimburseCharge entity.


54 Aug 27, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 53, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for following new fields to Credit Card Payment transaction entity (CreditCardPaymentTxn): VendorRef, CheckNum, PrintStatus and Memo.Available with minor version 54.
  • Allow null value to be passed during JE create using V3 API. Available with minor version 54. More details are available on the Journal Entry-> Docnumber field.
  • Update Invoice with a different CustomerRef will save the correct BillAddr associated with the CustomerRef passed in the request.


53 Aug 13, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 52, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for Recurring Transaction Create and Delete.
  • Added support for TaxExclusive and TaxInclusive - GlobalTaxCalculation types on JournalEntry entity for AU locale.


52 Jun 5, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 51, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for Recurring Transaction Read.


51 May 19, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 50, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for Hybrid Sales Tax. Added TaxCodeConfigType field on TaxCode entity to identify whether a tax code is system generated or user defined.


50 May 19, 2020   Internal, only. No schema change.
49 May 05, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 48, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for TaxRateRef field on JournalEntry.


48 May 05, 2020   Internal, only. No schema change.
47 February 13, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 46, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for Tax Payment Service which provides APIs for read operations and query operations on Tax Payment.Applicable for AU and UK locales only.


46 February 13, 2020  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 45, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added TaxAgencyConfig field on TaxAgency entity to identify whether a tax agency is system generated or user defined.
45 December 19, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 44, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added EmailStatus field for PurchaseOrder.
44 December 19, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 43, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for US locales to override sales tax, provided that the company settings allow overrides.
43 November 22, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 42, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added Thresholds field for Entitlements.


42 November 22, 2019   Internal, only. No schema change.
41 September 24, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 40, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support to associate a Class for an Item. Use Item->ClassRef


40 July 30, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 39, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added IncludeInAnnualTPAR field for Bill.
  • Added IncludeInAnnualTPAR field for Purchase.
  • Added HasTPAR field for Vendor.
  • Added IncludeInAnnualTPAR field for VendorCredit.
  • Added VendorAndPurchasesPrefs.TPAREnabled field for Preferences.
  • Added VendorPaymentBankDetail field for Vendor.
  • No schema change.
39 July 19, 2019 Internal Only

Includes all minor versions 1 through 38, plus the addition of the following:

  • No schema change.
38 May 9, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 37, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support to link BillPayment to JournalEntry at transaction level.
  • Added support to link BillPayment to Bill, Deposit, JournalEntry and VendorCredit at line level. Available with minor version 38.
  • Added support to link Bill to multiple Purchase Order at both transaction level and line level.
  • Added new field Received for PurchaseOrder.


37 March 26, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 36, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support to link Invoice to CreditMemo for GST compliance.
    ( IN Locale only ) Available with minor version 37.


36 February 13, 2019  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 35, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for getting Payment link for Invoices via API


35 December 4, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 34, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for ShipFromAddr field in Invoice, SalesReceipt and Estimate
    to support Automated Sales Tax.


34 November 21, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 33, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for TaxClassificationService which provides APIs for read operations
    on Tax Classification.
33 December 18, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 32, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added support for GST complaint invoices for India.


32 October 11, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 30, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added ability to determine if a company is enabled for Progressive Invoicing.
    Use Preferences->SalesFormsPrefs->UsingProgressInvoicing.
  • No schema change.
31 October 11, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 30, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added ability to add PreferredVendor to a Product. Use Item->PrefVendorRef.
30 September 13, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 29, plus the addition of the following:

  • For Description Only lines in sales transactions, Line. Amount is now returned if set with the
    QuickBooks UI.
  • No schema change.
29 August 23, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 28, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added new OfferingSKU value “QuickBooks Online Advanced” in CompanyInfo API.
  • No schema change.
28 July 25, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 27, plus the addition of the following:

  • Used for returning NonTracking status from the CompanyInfo API.
  • No schema change.
27 July 25, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 26, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added preferences attribute to set custom transaction numberVendorAndPurchasesPrefs.
  • No schema change.
26 June 21, 2018

Java: 4.0.5

.NET 5.0.0

Includes all minor versions 1 through 25, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added employee reference number for V4 API.


25 October 11, 2018  

Includes all minor versions 1 through 24, plus the addition of the following:

  • Added ability to distinguish between sub-customer and Projects. Use Customer->IsProject.
  • No schema change.
24 October 11, 2018

Java: 4.0.4

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

23 March 26, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 22, plus the addition of the following:

  • For Description Only lines in sales transactions, Line.Amount is now returned if set with the
    QuickBooks UI.
  • No schema change.
22 March 26, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 21, plus the addition of the following:

  • New preferences.
  • No schema change.
21 March 8, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 20, plus the addition of the following:

  • Preferences now in parity with those available via UI.
  • FreeFormAddress to specify how ShipAddr is stored for sales transactions.


19 March 26, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 18, plus the addition of the following:

  • Lines for Deposit objects having a description of Exchange Gain Or Loss can now be suppressed
    from the response payload.
  • No schema change.
17 March 26, 2018

Java: 4.0.0

.NET 5.0.0

PHP: 4.0.4

Includes all minor versions 1 through 15, plus the addition of the following:

  • The purchase order resource now supports the vendor emaill attribute, PurchaseOrder.POEmail.
  • No schema change.
15, 16, 18, 20 N/A N/A Internal, only. No schema change.
14 December 18, 2017 Java: 2.9.6 .NET 3.2.1 PHP: 3.2.6

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, plus the addition of the following:

  • Invoice objects specifying a deposit are not created if
    Preferences.SalesFormsPrefs.AllowDeposit is set to false for the company.


13 October 30, 2017 Java: 2.9.6 .NET 3.2.1 PHP: 3.2.6

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for additional account.accountsubtype values. See
    Account for details.


12 June 30, 2017 Java: 2.9.6 .NET 3.2.1 PHP: 3.2.6

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for VendorCredit.Balance field.


11 May 27, 2017 Java: 2.9.3 .NET: 3.1.0 PHP: 3.2.6

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for CompanyInfo sparse update.
  • Validation on CompanyInfo.CompanyAddr field.


10 April 25, 2017 Java: 2.9.3 .NET: 3.1.0

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for Customer.taxExemptionReasonId.


9 April 25, 2017 Java: 2.9.3 .NET: 3.1.0

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for reimbursable charges.


8 November 15, 2016 Java: 2.7.1 .NET: 2.8.0 PHP: 3.2.4

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, plus the addition of the following:

  • Support for carbon copy and blind carbon copy email addresses in Invoice objects.


7 Internal, only.    
6 February 17, 2016 Java: 2.5.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor versions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, plus the addition of the following:

  • Global (non-US) support for TaxAgency:LastFileDate.


5 December 18,2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.5.0

Includes all minor version 1, minor version 2, minor version 3, and minor version 4 plus the addition of the following:

  • France-local Plan Comptable General (PCG) support.


4 Phase 1—September 24, 2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor version 1, minor version 2, and minor version 3 plus the addition of the following:

In support of enhanced inventory, the following are added to the Item resource:

  • Item.Sku attribute.
  • NonInventory to the list of valid Item.Type selections.
  • Support for line-level discounts with the DiscountAmt and DiscountRate attributes in
    a SalesLineDetail element for FR locales.
4 Phase 2—November 19, 2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor version 1, minor version 2, minor version 3, and phase 1 of minor version 4 plus the addition of the following:

  • Images with item objects, via the
    Attachable resource. See
  • Item hierarchies with the Category item type.
  • Support for transaction-level tax calculations with the TxnTaxDetail element in
    Deposit objects for non-US locales.


3 Phase 1—May 29, 2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor version 1 and minor version 2 plus the addition of the following:

Reports APIs

  • Reports API response for General Ledger report hierarchy is broken in certain circumstances
    when there are sub accounts configured in the QuickBooks company.
3 Phase 2—August 11, 2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor version 1, minor version 2, and phase 1 of minor version 3 plus the addition of the following:

Transaction entities:

3 Phase 3—August 27, 2015 Java: 2.4.0 .NET: 2.4.0 PHP: 2.2.0

Includes all minor version 1, minor version 2, and phases 1 and 2 of minor version 3 plus the addition of the following:

Transaction entities:

  • Account.TaxCodeRef attribute to specify the default tax code used for the
    account—available for global locales, only.
  • Preferences.TaxPrefs.PartnerTaxEnabled to enable the QuickBooks Online sales tax engine.


2 March 25 2015 PHP: 2.1.0

Minor version 2 includes all minor version 1 items plus the addition of the following:

Reports APIs for detailed report types:

  • Addition of ColKey metadata in report header which provides sub-classification of ColType.
  • Date format of YYYY-MM-DD is used instead of that defined in company preferences. This
    will be generally available in QuickBooks Online services v85.

Transaction entities:

  • Transaction tax type as defined in company setting is now used instead of always defaulting
    to Exclusive. (international QBO only). Further information to be provided.


1 March 7 2014 Java: 2.1.2 .NET: 2.0.4 PHP: 2.0.4

-Addition of TaxInclusiveAmt attribute Line.SalesItemLineDetail, Line.ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail, and Line.AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail line types. Available for international editions of QBO, only.

-Addition of TotalAmt and HomeTotalAmt (international QBO only) attributes to JournalEntry entity.


pre-1 Legacy V3 Java: <=2.1.0 .NET: 2.0.0 PHP: 2.0.0 Legacy V3