Item hierarchies using categories

Categories are used to create a hierarchical organization of the things the company sells. They allow placing products in intuitive groups, making it easy to keep the company’s list of products and services organized and allowing you to easily find items to add to transactions. For example, it is intuitive to look for Men’s Jeans under Apparel->Jeans.

Key changes
Activating categories in sandbox companies

You must explicitly activate categories in your sandbox company via the QuickBooks user interface before you can access the functionality. Sign in to your QuickBooks Online sandbox account and perform the following:

  1. Click on company settings gear icon on the top right of the screen and select Products and Services.

  2. On the Products and Services page, click on the Activate Now link in the information box.

  3. Click on the Activate Now button to activate categories and initiate item migration from sub-items to categories in your sandbox company.


Activate forces a page refresh so that the Products and Services list correctly shows categories instead of sub-items.

Migration process
How existing Item objects are migrated

Developers do not have to migrate any existing Item objects to the new hierarchy system, as this migration is done automatically. However, what developers need to do is to ensure their code is working for the new system.

Only lowest level child items are referenced in transactions

In the diagram below, Items A, B, C, D are parent items and Item E is the lowest level child item. If only Item E is used in transaction, A, B, C, and D migrate to categories (Item.Type=Category); E migrates as an item (Item.Type!=Category).

Child and parent items are both referenced in transactions

In the diagram below, Items A, B, C, D are parent items and Item E is the lowest level child item. If all items A-E are possibly referenced in transactions regardless of relationship, Items A, B, C, and D are created as categories (Item.Type=Category) and Items A-E are migrated as children under their respective categories (Item.Type={Inventory,NonInventory,Service}), maintaining original IDs. Notice both Item D and Item E are children of Category D.




If using minorversion=4 and your app detects a company has become category enabled (see coding guidelines below) since it last accessed Item objects, then perform a full sync and refresh of Item objects. This is to ensure that accesses to Item objects based on your former item hierarchy map to the updated one. Issue the following URI:

GET<realmId>/query?query=select * from Item MAXRESULTS 1000

GET<realmId>/query?query=select COUNT(*) from Item

Coding guidelines
Inventory operation Required code changes    
Determine if company is category enabled. GET<realmId>/companyinfo/<realmId>?minorversion=4 Test CompanyInfo.NameValue.Name.ItemCategoriesFeature flag: - true—enabled for categories - false—not enabled for categories    
Operations on individual, non-category Item objects None. Existing code works.    
Access a category. GET<realmId>/item/<itemId>?minorversion=4    
Create category. POST<realmId>/item?minorversion=4 Sample request: { “Name”: “Flowers”, “Type”:”Category” }    
Create a new Inventory, NonInventory, or Service object as child of category Use the create operation. Parent must be of type Category. POST<realmId>/item?minorversion=4 Set Item.Type to one of {Inventory Set Item.SubItem to true. Set Item.ParentRef to a Category. Service NonInventory}.
Create a new Inventory, NonInventory, or Service object as a sub item of a non-category. Not supported. Service returns an error. .. container:: code-sample .. code-block:: json :name: codeblock1 :linenos: { “Fault”: { “Error”:[ { “Message”:”A business validation error has occurred while processing your request”, “Detail”:”Business Validation Error: This selection can only be a Category.”, “code”:”6000”, “element”:”” } ], “type”:”ValidationFault” }, “time”:”2015-09-21T10:55:36.342-07:00” }    
Assign an existing Inventory, NonInventory, or Service object to a category. Use the update operation. Parent must be a category. POST<realmId>/item?minorversion=4 Set Item.Type to {Inventory Set Item.SubType to true. Set Item.ParentRef to a Category. Service NonInventory}.
Considerations for existing integrations

For existing apps that are not minorversion=4 enabled, understand how they behave when a QuickBooks Online company is enabled for categories. Here are some situations to consider:

Situation Consideration
Looking up an item by Item.Name only. The automatic migration process creates item categories to mimic the existing hierarchy, and then populates the new category with existing item objects resulting with existing item objects and new categories having the same name. Be cautious that your app doesn’t pick an item object that is really a category because you’ll get an error when you put that in a transaction. In fact, this holds for minorversion=4 too. When you use minorversion=4 you have the hint of the Item.Type, as well, and when you search for a sellable item object with a name that matches an item object in your system, you should filter to not get categories. Error returned when a category is used in a transaction: .. container:: code-sample .. code-block:: json :name: codeblock2 :linenos: { “Fault”: { “Error”: [{ “Message”: “A business validation error has occurred while processing your request”, “Detail”: “Business Validation Error: Categories cannot be used in transactions.”, “code”: “6000”, “element”: “” }], “type”: “ValidationFault” }, “time”: “2015-09-21T10:51:50.512-07:00” }
Allowing users to create an item and to choose its parent in the hierarchy. Be prepared for the possibility of an error if your code allows the user to put items in the hierarchy and they try to make a new sellable item a child of an existing sellable item. When you switch to minorversion=4 and you let the user choose the parent of an existing item, filter for those items whose Item.Type is category. Error when referencing a sellable item as a parent: .. container:: code-sample .. code-block:: json :name: codeblock3 :linenos: { “Fault”: { “Error”:[ { “Message”:”A business validation error has occurred while processing your request”, “Detail”:”Business Validation Error: This selection can only be a Category.”, “code”:”6000”, “element”:”” } ], “type”:”ValidationFault” }, “time”:”2015-09-21T10:55:36.342-07:00” }
Error messages
Code Message/Detail Notes
1020 Message: Update Failed Detail: Update Failed : The Category Item type does not support soft delete with Active=false; use Operation=Delete to Hard Delete a Category Error returned after attempt to update Item.Active to false.
Message: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request | Detail: Business Validation Error: Categories cannot be used in transactions.
Error returned when a category is used in a transaction.
Message: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request | Detail: Business Validation Error: This selection can only be a Category.
Error returned when attempt to create a new Inventory, NonInventory, or Service object as a sub item of a non-category.
Message: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request | Detail: Business Validation Error: You can’t change a Category into another item type.
Items initially defined as categories must remain categories.
Message: A business validation error has occurred while processing your request | Detail: Business Validation Error: No more than four Category levels are allowed.
Sub-categories can be nested to a maximum depth of three levels below a top-level category.