
V3 Data Services Specification Draft Available for Review

In 2009, IPP began exposing data services for financial management to partners, using a format commonly known as CDM v2. This format and its implementation have grown organically from supporting just a few data types of QuickBooks Windows desktop (QBD), to full read and selective write support of QBD and most read/write support of QuickBooks Online (QBO). While it largely achieved its purpose, to quickly expose QBD and QBO data in the cloud, CDM v2 has accumulated a number of issues and deficiencies from a development and usability perspective. 

Early last year, IPP began to build the next generation of our service specification, Financial Management Services (FMS), to address the shortcomings of CDM v2 by applying all the lessons learned over the past two years. FMS version 3 (v3) adds missing artifacts needed to convey a complete communication model between the user client and the service endpoint. FMS v3 will provide a consistent end-to-end user experience, provide better usability, and increase partner/user adoption.

A draft of the FMS v3 specification has now been made available and we invite all IPP developers to review it and respond via the forums. Your comments will help ensure that the new specification meets your needs, and we sincerely appreciate your effort and involvement. 

The IPP Team 






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